Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Change is our friend

In this case. The cabernet, côt, and gamay grapes are starting to turn color. That means they're ripening. I wonder how much they will ripen if the weather gets cold again. Not that it's hot now, but it's pleasantly warm and dry (even though we had an unexpected rain shower yesterday). I saw a tractor out in the vineyards yesterday trimming the vines. I think they need to do that to keep the vines ventilated and as part of the preparation for harvest time.

"Red" grapes go from green to purple to deep blue.

I made more progress out in the vegetable garden yesterday. The soaker hose is rolled up and put away for the season. I pulled all the bean plants out and set them aside. Ken wants to shell the beans that stayed on the plants. There might be enough to get a meal from them. I also picked the last of the good tomatoes and pulled the tomato plants out of the ground.

Today, I'd like to get the trellis fence down and put away. I have some ideas for some changes in the garden next season, but I'll mull all of that over during the winter. In the meantime I have to focus on the "now" and mow those weeds down.


  1. The grape colors are beautiful. I hope they get what they need to thrive now.

  2. The different colors of the grapes make a beautiful photo. So does the skill of the photographer.

  3. It is nice to see something is growing and looking good...too bad it isn't on your property.

  4. Are those good for snacking, or only for making wine?

  5. I read an interesting article today about how a New England town's volunteer fire department tests its hoses with pressure -- 1300 feet of hose, and then they have to roll it all up very very neatly. Consider yourself lucky.

    I, too, wonder if you can eat (not that you would, of course, mercy No) the grapes from such vines. Are they very different from grocery-store grapes that you eat?

  6. mitch, let's hope!

    bettyann, :)

    mary, it's just outside, so we can pretend. ;)

    chris, you can certainly eat them, but they're small and seedy.

    emm, they are different. There are some vines out among the others that make good eating grapes, but they're well hidden. We know of some and sneak tastes during our dog walks just before the harvest.


Tell me what you think!