Thursday, July 30, 2015

Winter squash

I planted six winter squash plants in this year's garden: two acorn, two butternut, and two potimarron (red kuri squash). The plants are beautiful and are spreading all over the place. I got a little worried when I noticed that, for the longest time, there were plenty of blossoms but absolutely no fruit. I wondered if I had planted all duds.

This squash's skin should darken to a very deep green as we get closer to harvest time.

But one day I noticed this acorn squash under the leaves. A few days later I noticed a couple more. And now there are several potimarrons coming along. Phew! There are still no signs of butternut, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. when I first started growing butternut, I found that there would be no female flowers until mid-august at the earliest. That was with varieties like Waltham and Ponca. Since about 2008 new varieties Harrier and Hunter came out and they are much earlier. They taste excellent and I can't tell them apart. I'll send you some seeds to try for next year. Regards P.


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