Sunday, July 23, 2017

Wild chicory

I know that Ken just posted a bunch of photos of this wildflower, but I have a few so I thought I'd just go ahead and post them, too. Or, at least one. This is high summer for us, when the Queen Ann's Lace and the wild chicory are in bloom. It's hard not to think that fall is on its way.

Wild chicory grows, well, wild, all around the vineyards out back.

Speaking of fall, I just ordered our fuel oil for the winter season, and soon we will order a load of firewood. Jeez. I don't want to think of the cold and rainy (and maybe snowy) season ahead. But that's life. At least we still have a month or so of summer, followed by fall, to go before the cold. It's better to order the fuel oil now, while summer prices are low, than to wait until demand and prices go up as the colder season approaches.


  1. It's so strange to already be thinking of fall. We have the busiest month of summer to get through, so can't make that switch yet. Of course, we've really got nothing much to prepare for.

  2. lovely flowers; they remind me of late summer.
    Cold and rainy! Bring that on! Now!

  3. mitch, we don't feel the press of tourism unless we venture out, so we enjoy just staying home, but there is plenty to keep us busy.

    michael, these and the lace are the signs of late summer. And we're having cold (by Phoenix standards) and rain now. I want some summer back before the end!

  4. I have some of this growing around my mailbox post; didn't know what it was; pretty!


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