Friday, April 09, 2021

It's almost time

The lilac bush outside the southwestern corner of our house is getting ready to bloom. While there are some blooms every year, the variety is one that flowers every other year. This is a flowering year. I'll take more photos as the flowers open up.

Lots of flowers this year. They're on the verge of opening.

The lilac is competing with the ornamental prunus farther back in the yard. Its purple blossoms are pretty much open now and it looks nice. I didn't think to take a photo yesterday while the sun was shining. I'll try to get one today. It's overcast.

I got a big section of the lawn cut yesterday, the west forty. I plan to cut the south forty today, along with the strips outside the hedges. It'll depend on how soon the predicted rain starts. The north forty is still a mess, littered with the branches of the birch tree that fell in December. So the primroses are getting a reprieve for the time being.


  1. I'm happy for the primroses. It would break my heart if I were to have to mow them down.

  2. My mother loved lilacs, she transplanted a bush from her parents farm when they sold out in the early 60's

  3. Long live the primroses! also the lilacs...

  4. I associate Lilac with May; they always bloomed then where i lived

  5. Thanks for the lilac photo, I love them. They remind me of my grandmother who had lots of them. Do you have any peonies? They remind me of my other grandmother. :)

  6. Peonies are my favorite - Sarah Bernhardt variety (very PINK!). I didn't realize there were varieties of lilacs that only bloomed every other year. Why would anyone buy those varieties? I imagine that yours were already there? They are bountiful and their purple color is more intense then the lilacs behind my Mother's house. Those could be good reasons for that variety, I guess. 3 cheers for the primroses extended life!!!

  7. mitch, they're past their prime now and are being engulfed by the growing grass, so it's time.

    travel, my grandmother had one that I remember fondly.

    judy, I have a little white one that I got when I friend dug it out, but it hasn't flowered yet, even though I've had it for at least three years now.

    evelyn, :)

    michael, ours are earlier, I guess because we don't have harsh winters.

    bettyann, yes, there are peonies, but they haven't bloomed yet. Soon!

    mary, no, I bought it. But I didn't read the fine print and didn't know it bloomed every other year.


Tell me what you think!