Sunday, February 06, 2022


In yet another view from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, this is the nineteenth century parish church of Saint-Augustin near the intersection of the boulevard Malesherbes and the boulevard Haussmann in the 8th arrondissement. The church's dome is very impressive, which, according to Wikipedia, reaches 81 meters (over 250 feet) toward the sky. The church was designed by Victor Baltard, famous for the pavilions at les halles de Paris (they were dismantled in the 1970s).

Looking up the avenue de Friedland before it becomes the boulevard Haussmann, April 2009.

This is another place I'd like to visit in more detail one day. I've never been inside, but the photos I've seen make it seem worth a look. In 2018, I took this photo of the church from near the church of la Madeleine at the other end of the boulevard Malesherbes.


  1. What a city! Thanks for sharing these great views.

  2. My late brother was married in that church.

  3. I wonder what is going on in the street up there near the top of your photo?
    What is the monkeyface photo about? Ha! Is that from the Olympics opening ceremonies, by chance? (I didn't watch for more than a few moments, here and there.)

  4. mitch, you bet!

    chm, wow!

    judy, I don't know... it looks a little small to be a demonstration. The monkey face is from the natural history museum. And "Monkeyface" is what Cary Grant called the female lead (I forgot her name) in Hitchcock's "Suspicion." It's the first think that came to mind when I saw the photo. LOL!


Tell me what you think!