Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Saint Jean Baptiste

This is the exterior of the church from yesterday's post. I got the name wrong; Ken found it on the internet. It's across the street from the château in Lapalisse. I didn't find anything about the building on the internet or in the guide books, but Ken found something that says it's of modern construction, not yet historically significant. Sometimes a church is just a church.

There's the Renault 4 parked next to a more modern car.

The church was obviously built in the Romanesque style, but it doesn't look old enough to be from the middle ages. Indeed, it was built in the 19th century. I snapped a few photos of the exterior, but was going quickly because I had Tasha attached to my belt. Ken was getting ahead of us and Tasha was pulling on me to keep up. She doesn't like the "pack" to get separated. We were also walking in a street and there were a couple of cars to avoid.

The front entrance to the church. We were parked up under those trees in the back.

After our brief walk, we came back to the church because our car was parked behind it. Ken and I took turns going inside since the door was open and we could. It wasn't spectacular, but it was pretty enough. I'll show some interiors tomorrow.


  1. From the front, I would have guessed 19th century. From the side, much older. I come across buildings here regularly that I would think were from the 15th century and are often only about 100 years old.

  2. I've seen worse examples of 19th century's improved romanesque churches. You can tell at a glance this is a pastiche

  3. mitch, sometimes restorations make it hard to date by looking. I'm not enough of an expert to be able to tell much, so I have to rely on the internet. And surprisingly, not everything can be found on the internet. Yet!

    chm, but where would we be without revivalist architecture? The Renaissance was based, in part, on the revival of classical building forms. Many Parisian monuments, like La Madeleine, were built in the neo-classical style of the mid-19th century. Everything old is new again! ;)


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