Sunday, March 22, 2020


These are the catkins and tiny new leaves on one of our birch trees. The few days of warm, sunny weather we had helped a lot of the neighborhood trees to start leafing out. The red maples out front are covered with fat buds and are actually beginning to flower now. Fruit trees all around are in bloom, and our apples blossoms are starting as well.

Catkins and tiny fresh birch leaves.

I see that the forecast is calling for light morning freezes on Tuesday and Wednesday. I wonder if the grape growers will be setting out smudge pots and hay bales to burn? I'll wager that the new buds on our fig tree will be destroyed, as usual. Our wisteria is budding, but it's up against the house and probably won't be bothered by frost; it never has been.


  1. That late-season frost is always so disturbing. I'm looking forward to seeing what your gardens look like this year with more sun and space.

  2. Can't you throw an old blanket over the fig tree? I think even a sheet would work, just enough to keep the frost from settling.

  3. I haven't seen these in ages; they look like spring.

  4. Nice, those are beautiful. And yes, wisteria... Wonderful! :)

    Btw, thought I'd get to see you around. Guess that's not happenin'.

  5. mitch, it's been the norm here for a few years now. Warm winter, spring freeze.

    sheila, I've tried covering it, twice. Didn't work either time.

    michael, yup!

    hot guys, not sure what you mean...

    1. Nothing anymore, think this may be a goodbye. All the best.


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