Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The keep

The medieval donjon (keep) of the Château de Villandry was kept (pun intended) when the castle was acquired and rebuilt by Jean le Breton in the fifteenth century. Most of what exists today is the renaissance style château built around the keep. The French Wikipedia site provides oodles of details about the castle's history. By the way, I was wrong about those boxwood topiary. They were still there when I last visited the castle in 2014.

The crenelated tower of the castle's keep is all that remains of the medieval building. Digitized color slide, Spring 2001.

As promised, our weather is changing today with the arrival of some light rain. It's expected to get rainier as the week goes on, and the morning low temperatures are expected to drop to freezing by the end of the week. After a week of nice spring-like days, I'll be back to building fires in the wood stove soon. Mother Nature giveth and she taketh away.


  1. The keep kept is sure impressive, maybe that’s why.

  2. Excellent photo. Makes me want to visit. I hope your rain doesn’t include the Sahara sands. Apparently that’s what we’ll have again today and tomorrow. More mud rains.

  3. I have been debating, is it the keep kept or the kept keep? What is the difference?

  4. chm, probably. I'll keep you posted. ;)

    mitch, we haven't got much rain yet. Just a few sprinkles.

    judy, it's not nice to fool Mother Nature!

  5. I just love this sort of stuff. thank you for sharing these types of photos.

  6. Those topiary are amazing! I must get there one day to enjoy it in person.


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