Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The wind is back

It's been a-howlin' and a-gustin' all night and will probably continue through the morning before dying down again. I suppose this weather is typical of the famed giboulées de mars. I would call giboulées a combination of March winds and April showers in English. As in: If March winds bring April showers, and April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring (you may need to be an American to know the answer)?

Château de Chenonceau, May 2007.

This is the little bridge that visitors to the Château de Chenonceau must cross to get into the castle.


  1. Oh, man, I had to think a long moment about what may flowers bring.

  2. Can I plead ignorance because I didn’t become an American until I was fifty?

  3. mitch, how quickly we forget... ;)

    bettyann, wasn't it on the test?

    The Answer: Pilgrims!

  4. Allergies that's what. In the Valley of the Sun May is notorious for all sorts of awful pollen. No one is safe.


Tell me what you think!