Friday, August 09, 2024

Another view from the overlook

That's a nice looking property. I'm assuming the photo's taken from the same overlook as the last few posts. I wish I could remember the name of the place. I haven't tried to look at a map yet.

Can you spot the grazing sheep?

I cut the grass yesterday. But first I had to go to the fillin' station for some gasoline. This morning I have an early doctor appointment to get my prescriptions refilled. Following that, I've got some trimming to do in the yard. Then we're invited over the road for drinks at noon. Busy day.


  1. A nice way to end your day -- with drinks over the road. I love this photo. Too bad about the car. I’m tempted to erase it!

  2. Busy but splendid sounding. It sounds like "Life" and a good one at that.

  3. mitch, I kind of like the car. :)

    michael, c'est si bon !

    judy, pretty normal around here. LOL


Tell me what you think!