Saturday, August 03, 2024


I took this photo in the spring of 2006 just outside of Saint-Aignan, not far from the zoo. I'm pretty sure I posted the color version back then. Here it is again, this time in black and white.

Tree in a field.

This weekend, traffic on the roads is predicted to be very heavy. It's when the July vacationers, les juillettistes, head back home and the August vacationers, les aoûtiens head out. Traffic is thick in all directions. They call it le chassé-croisé d'été.


  1. That’s a truly elegant photo. You’ve got an eye (and skill). I was surprised last night was not as crazy as expected here in town (although plenty busy) but then I realized vacationers are still passing each other on the road. Now, the fun begins.

  2. That photo looks like it could be in the rural American midwest somewhere, 80 years ago.

  3. Absolutely beautiful shot.

  4. mitch, living in a resort area can be challenging. Part of the time it's very quiet, but other times it's crazy.

    judy, :)

    bettyann, thanks!


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