Monday, August 12, 2024


I know where this photo was taken! It's a restaurant in the picturesque town of Domme overlooking the Dordgone River. We parked the car and strolled around the small town, up the main street, which is lined with shops and eateries, to the esplanade and overlook.

We didn't eat here.

Boy is it hot! We hit the mid thirties yesterday. That's the mid nineties in Fahrenheit. And we're expecting more of the same today before a cool-down on Tuesday. It's been a summer season of extremes. Wet, dry, hot, cold. And there are three weeks to go until September.


  1. Is that a walnut? Again, I love the colors and textures. I opened the terrace door this morning and immediately shut it. Already too hot!

  2. I'm glad the cool down is on its way. Domme is a nice little town. We ate at a restaurant called the Esplanade there.

  3. Glad your heat will calm down starting tomorrow!

  4. mitch, yes, a walnut it is (noix)!

    evelyn, cool!

    judy, me, too!


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