Monday, August 26, 2024

Lines and angles

More geometrics (I'm sure that's a word; autocorrect doesn't seem to think so). Probably still in La Roque-Gageac.

Walls and steps.

Sorry to keep harping on the weather, but it's what's happening at the moment. I'm really not complaining; it's more observation and wonderment. Our mornings continue to be very fall-like, almost cold. Most days warm up to be pleasant afternoons. I arranged for a heating oil delivery this coming week. We're talking about ordering firewood for the season. As for the yard, we're starting, slowly, to prepare for fall and winter. The ground beneath the apple trees is littered with fallen apples. I'm not picking them up (although Tasha is; she thinks they're balls for playing). So far, the lawnmower is fine making applesauce. I'll see the next time I mow how it handles this quantity. I need to contact our landscape guy to see, a) if he's still working (he has gone quiet these last few months) and if so, 2) if he can schedule our hedge trimming this fall. If not, we'll have to find someone else to do them. Pain in the butt.


  1. Geometrics is definitely a word and I love yours. I wonder if your weather will ever impact us. The heat and humidity show no sign of leaving.

  2. Oh, gracious, I hope that your landscape guy will still be available for your hedge trimming!

  3. mitch, not sure, I'm not good with meteorologistics.

    judy, we're hoping, too!


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