Saturday, August 24, 2024

Vie de château

From what I can glean from the internet, this beautifully restored and updated château in La Roque-Gageac operates as a hotel. It has nine rooms and can accommodate up to sixteen guests at a time. I don't believe that the rooms are rented individually, but are rented to large groups like families or for business retreats. One web site posts the cost for one week at between six and ten thousand euros. And there's a swimming pool on the grounds.

The château/hotel at La Roque-Gageac.

We're expecting a hot day today, then an abrupt cool-off over night. It looks like the cold front's thunderstorms will stay off to our east. Thank goodness.


  1. I’d find 8 friends (at least) and rent the place for a week.

  2. It would be fun to stay there, but there will be lots of stairsteps I fear.

  3. Had no idea that the chateau there could be rented out....we visited the town several years ago but didn't go all the way up to the chateau (I'm thinking nothing we read indicated it was still in use...interesting)

  4. At E8,000 with 12 guests, that’s less than E100 per person per night. Sign me up!
    It’s beautiful.

  5. mitch, I wonder if they allow pets...

    evelyn, I wonder. They might have retrofit an elevator.

    melinda, there are a couple of chateaux there, and a large fort built into the rock. I don't remember seeing them when we were (briefly) there!

    bettyann, a bargain!

    judy, :)


Tell me what you think!