Friday, August 30, 2024

Set up and ready to go

These restaurants in central Sarlat (there are two in this photo) are ready for the lunch crowd. While we were there, we ate in the neighborhood somewhere, but I don't remember the exact place. A lot of Sarlat's restaurants look like life-sized works of art.

I could spend a couple of hours here lingering over a long lunch.

On today's agenda: a winery run. I plan to drive up to the co-op in Saint-Romain (I say "up" because it's north of us) for some of their red and rosé. I like the co-op because their wine is good and they operate a boutique for sales. There's no reason to call ahead to be sure that someone will be there to sell or to just take a chance and then be disappointed when no one's available. Many wineries around us have tasting and sales rooms that are staffed during business hours, but there are just as many (mom and pop operations) that don't.


  1. Tha IS a work of art! What a nice way to shop for wine. Have fun.

  2. Yes, I agree this is a beautiful set-up. An elegant place for sure.


Tell me what you think!