Thursday, August 29, 2024

Market day in Sarlat

It's a big market with a lot of vendors. There are also cafés and restaurants and shops along the streets of the town center. It's all very lively, as much a tourist attraction as a working market.

Sarlat's city hall makes a dramatic backdrop for colorful market stalls and outdoor cafés.

Yesterday was about as hot as predicted. Thankfully, the house stayed cool inside, almost as if it were air-conditioned. But more pleasant. Today will be a little cooler and there's rain in the forecast. It looks like the rain will not make it to us after all.


  1. What a beautiful market and backdrop. Yeah, here it’s still warm and humid.

  2. Great market!

  3. Mary in Oregon30 August, 2024 01:02

    I cannot remember which book I read, (detective - mystery, no doubt!) but a big scene took place at the Sarlat Marché - a murder (maybe it was a Martin Walker book?) took place and your photo looks like the scene described in that chapter. I loved the 3 Goose sculpture in Sarlat! My daughter bought some Walnut Oil when they were there. Did you indulge?


Tell me what you think!