Monday, August 19, 2024

Holy cow!

We woke up to a chilly 13ºC (about 55ºF) this morning. I missed seeing the full moon set by a few minutes. As for our morning walk, I wore three layers, one of them fleece. Tasha wore her fur. It feels like a crisp, fall day. What a wacky weather year.

Cows grazing in the Dordogne Valley. "Meuh !"


  1. Such inconsistent weather. We’ve hovered between warm and hot all summer. Late morning and currently around 34C. Humidity 62%. This is the time of year when I begin to look forward to fall. Cows here say Mu, which sounds just like English, except the cows spell it differently.

  2. The water in the pool has dropped at least 5 degrees in the past week.

  3. I wish all cows had a life like these in the Dordogne.

  4. It's probably just as well that you didn't end up with the vegetable garden this summer... I bet the up-and-down weather and cold temperatures and rainy days with cool weather, would have caused problems for those luscious tomatoes.

  5. mitch, I've never mastered cow spelling.

    travel, do they close the pool in winter?

    evelyn, :)

    judy, I'm sure it would have been stressful. It's nice to take a break.


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