Monday, December 09, 2019

Another phrosty photo

A familiar view to regular readers: looking west from the hamlet out into the vineyards as Tasha and I head out for our morning walk. I really over-processed the image in an attempt to get a more dramatic effect. I like it, but then I look at it again and don't like it. Then I like it again.

Tasha gets frosty paws.

The wind has been gusting strong for about 24 hours now. The weather people say it should die down by this evening. Then the mild temperatures will drop toward freezing again. Well, as they say, 'tis the season.


  1. I like it! It does convey the cold, and as you can't make people feel it when you show a picture, you'll have to think of a different way of making it more realistic. That's exactly what you've done. :))

  2. I look at the photo and I like it. Then I look at it again. And I still like it! And, like Judy said, Brrrrrrrr!

  3. I’m with Judy and Mitchell. I always love your photos, Walt.

  4. I'm a oui, aussi!

    Mary in Oregon


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