Friday, December 27, 2019


The wind and rain are back. Steady wind and gusts rocked the house all through the night, and this morning I could hear rain beating against the loft windows. And it's still eerily warm. I guess that goes with these weather fronts that come in off the Gulf Stream. We had a few dry days, but not enough, and no freezes, so everything remains soggy and muddy outside.

Dark, dreary, and damp.

Because it's so warm outdoors, I'm not motivated to build a daily fire. I'm just letting the central heat handle keeping us comfortable. That's all right since we didn't buy firewood this year. I'm trying to use up the surplus from last year.


  1. I love the color effects of this photo. Beautifully done!

  2. Daily fire? I must have missed this. I am often mad-jealous of all your lovely things but a daily fire is what I most covet. I've been at my brother's for a week; we've had a daily fire and I love it so.


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