Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Piles of leaves

The leaves from the twin maples are now piled in the vegetable garden plot. The goal is to spread them around (like we do every year) and cover them with a tarp for the winter. The rain returned before we got to that.

Frosty piles of leaves. There is still work to be done!

Covering the garden plot helps to keep the weeds from taking over which makes tilling in the spring easier. We used to do it with just the leaves, but discovered last year that adding a tarp works much better. The leaves decompose and get tilled in like compost.


  1. A cold scene! Great idea adding the tarps.

  2. Looking at this photo made me shiver! Your soil is going to get better and better with this tilling in of leaves.

  3. We've been adding the leaves to the garden from the very beginning, along with our actual compost. The tarp was a new idea last year. I wonder why we didn't think of it earlier? :)


Tell me what you think!