Friday, December 20, 2019

Le sapin

This is the eighth year for our real fake holiday tree. I decorated it last Sunday. For some reason I stopped before I hung all the ornaments. It just seemed done. Or maybe I was done. Some years are like that. Next year, I'll find those ornaments I didn't hang and use them again. Still, there are a few new ornaments on this year's tree.

I found one plastic needle on the floor. Even fake trees drop needles!

We're having wind and rain again this morning, after a respite of a few days. It will be a test of our roof repair, I guess. So far, so good. I did take advantage of the nice day we had yesterday to spread the leaves over our vegetable garden plot and put down one of the tarps. So that's done. Ken's working on cleaning out the window boxes. If we can do at least one thing a day, we're doing alright. As they say in France, "Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid (Little by little, the bird builds its nest)."


  1. Charming. I love the different takes on the familiar English sayings in our new homes. Rain and wind here, too, now.

  2. Beautiful Christmas scene for us to enjoy! Glad your roof repair is holding up.

  3. mitch, language is fun!

    judy, :)

    evelyn, we're keeping our fingers crossed!


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