Friday, April 22, 2022

Un gendarme au jardin

I don't know if this is an actual gendarme or a member of some other police or military branch. For today, he's a gendarme. And he's helping us transition from photos of Saint-Sulpice to some more from the Luxembourg Garden. Those are the towers of Saint-Sulpice visible from the garden's central basin and fountain.

A lovely sunny day in the Jardin du Luxembourg. Digitized color slide, sometime in the 90s.

Thursday was another nice day and I got out and cut the grass outside the hedges (along the road). But, like painting the Golden Gate Bridge (or the Forth Bridge if you're British), I need to start again from the beginning as the north forty is growing at a clip. Oh well. Rain is expected over the weekend, so I may just wait.


  1. Those gardens must be stunning to wander on a sunny day.

  2. Les jardins du Luxembourg were known by the Parisians as the Luco.

  3. I love the Jardin du Luxembourg... didn't spend enough time there when I lived in Paris. I appreciate it more now.

  4. Just a great photo. Didn't know about the term "Luco". Thanks CHM.

    1. Bonjour Evelyn,
      Here is the explanation (in French) why Parisians gave the Luxembourg gardens the nickname Luco.

  5. mitch, and sometimes they're stunning on a cloudy, rainy day!

    chm, interesting!

    judy, our priorities mature... sometimes. ;)

    evelyn, thanks!


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