Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Back to the old

Another street scene in Niort. I'm running out now. Really.

A guy heads down into town.

I'm beginning to think about the holidays. I may have a dry day soon to get the lights up on the house. The tree won't be put up until the 15th. I'm going to the Saturday market this weekend to see what their schedule is for Christmas and when to order the holiday bird. We've decided on a chapon de pintade (guinea fowl capon) for this year.


  1. A dry day! Good idea. Not too much wine the night before and none in the morning before putting up lights is a good idea, and I am sure you know what is said about men of a certain age and ladders.

  2. Charming! Debating decorating the house and trying out to figure out what to do about THE CATS!

  3. Such an interesting town. It all seems rather monochromatic, but in "person" and with changing light I imagine it varies a lot.

  4. andrew, that's not the kind of dry day I meant, but you're right. No ladders or power tools after wine o'clock!

    mitch, Bert has never shown any interest in holiday, or any other, decorations in the house. I guess we're lucky!

    emm, I think so. It would have been much different (and harder to photograph) on a bright, sunny day.


Tell me what you think!