Sunday, December 16, 2018

Le sapin de Noël

I put the tree up on Saturday, as planned. The weather outside was frightful (just a little freezing rain, then real rain, and no snow), but the fire was so delightful. I played holiday tunes and sipped wine while I decorated. Fortunately, neither Tasha nor Bert is interested in the tree.

White lights inside, colored lights outside this year. Next year, switch!

I think that this is the sixth year for this artificial tree from Ikea. We got our money's worth, that's for sure. The price for real trees is, well, unreal. I was remembering holiday trees from the years before we moved to France. They were big floor-to-ceiling cut trees, usually. I used to string popcorn and cranberries to hang on the tree. Where did I get the time? Now I have the time, but I don't think I have the patience to string popcorn these days. I do have several strands of wooden cranberries that I found at Crate and Barrel one season, but I haven't put them up for many years now. Maybe they'll make another appearance next year.


  1. A nicely restrained tree. I like it.

  2. So beautiful. I really want to decorate for Christmas. I’ve git to figure out a cats work-around. They would find it all too enticing.

  3. Your tree looks great! We have colored lights on the tree inside and white lights outside, plus a pink poodle that is a bit tacky but granddaughter likes it.

  4. I've done a smaller tree the last two years, too, but, missing many of my favorite ornaments, I decided to also hand a long bough along the horizontal railing of our staircase, and I hung ornaments off of that. It makes me happy! And, putting things away will be much nicer experience. Yours looks lovely!
    Judy (too lazy to log into my Judith Chabot account -- Ha!)

  5. Amazing to see you guys are still at it. Have a great holiday season!

  6. I guess I never thought to wonder if France 'did trees'; I tend to think of this as a Germanic/English matter, and thems in the Romance-spoken areas do not.

  7. andrew, I removed its restraints for the photo. lol.

    mitch, you could decorate the cats. Wait, never mind.

    evelyn, hehe!

    judy, I seem to be using fewer ornaments with each passing year.

    betty, thanks! You too!

    michael, oh yes, they do trees.

  8. the tree I put up this weekend is 41 years old. my sister gave it to me for my first apartment in 1977.

  9. anne marie, I had my first apartment in 1977 as well, but no tree that year!

  10. It looks lovely, Walt! I am interested in getting an artificial tree next year.


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