Saturday, April 18, 2015

What's on tv

This week's cover features actor François-Xavier Demaison in a new mini-series that starts on Wednesday. To me, the series sounds like a formula cop/mystery/soap opera thing in which a young girl goes missing and everyone's dirty laundry comes out while they search for what happened to her. Think "Twin Peaks" or, the one we're watching now, "Broadchurch."

NBA playoffs live on the BeIN Sports Network! That's Tony Parker pictured, a French guy who plays in the NBA.

What not to watch this week. Our tv magazine rates shows and movies using a star system: one star is ok, four stars is best. They use another symbol for really bad movies: the red dot. It means "à zapper" (change the channel!). The editors often include comments about the movie that make me laugh.

Here's another weather disaster. And disaster seems to be the key word. The original title was "Jet Stream," according to the IMDb.

Tornado Apocalypse. Canadian/American made-for-tv movie. Directed by J. S. Lando, 2013.
With David Chokachi, Ruth Kearny, and Preston James Hillier.
Following a weather anomaly, tornados begin sweeping away everything in their paths. A scientist works to end the catastrophe.
Devastating tornadoes very badly done, characters that are empty and hollow, and lackluster directing.
For adults and children over 10.


  1. Twin Peaks is the original of these currently fashionable 12 part murder mysteries?! I never saw it, so didn't make the connection. Broadchurch was the first (and only) I've seen, so that's why I was so impressed and you were not so much. It would never occur to me to describe them as soap operas, btw. To me a soap opera is a long running melodrama set around a community and scheduled for daytime or early evening viewing. Scripts are churned out, plots involve an endless stream of traumatic situations for the characters and the acting is mostly terrible.

  2. That "tornadoes" movie was available on our service here. I looked it up and laughed out loud at the reviews. We didn't watch it.

  3. I would tune in just to see these eyes.

  4. One of our local channels often runs these weather type disaster movies as its weekday midday movie.

    I can just imagine the house wives and house husbands of Sydney sitting down after their morning exertions to a couple of hours leisurely disaster.


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