Monday, December 12, 2016

SUNday? Ha!

The fog is back with a vengeance. We didn't see the sun at all on Sunday. We had a brief rain shower in the place of a sunrise, and then gray drippiness all day until it all faded to black. Some days are like that. I'm happy that we don't have a foot of snow on the ground.

The view toward the west from the guest room window.

The festive lights on the outside of the house help to make the spirits bright. And hearty winter food gives comfort. Soon the tree will be up indoors for more bright festivity. The sunny days we do get are nice. It won't be long before the solstice and the lengthening of days.


  1. And yet a stunning photo. (And I DO love that hedge.)

  2. That's a positive way to look at things :)

  3. With the solstice comes a special birthday and not the one that is getting all the frantic publicity right now...

  4. mitch, the hedge looks best this time of year. In spring it will start growing again.

    judy, accentuate the positive!

    evelyn, hmmm...


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