Thursday, April 27, 2017

Dog days

We're now in full puppyhood mode. Tasha goes from bouncing around the room to quietly napping about every fifteen minutes. I'm exaggerating, of course. She is a tiny bundle of energy, but she wears herself out more quickly than Callie used to. She knows where her bed is. I'm planning on getting a second one so that she has a bed both upstairs and downstairs (right now we're moving her bed upstairs for night time and down for the day). She slept through the night again last night. And so did we.

What wildflowers were these? I have no idea.

Callie is doing fine. She's starting to set boundaries, slowly. Otherwise, she seems unfazed. We're trying to maintain her routine so she doesn't feel neglected (as if). Tasha and Bert have met several times and there's no friction. The cat is, for now, a lot bigger than the pup, but he doesn't mind her. And Tasha is curious about the cat, but hasn't made any aggressive moves toward him.

After feeding, and whenever Tasha starts nosing around the room sniffing the floor, I take her outside for "poopies." She does pretty well. So far we've had a couple of little puddles on the floor, but no poops inside the house. She gets lots of praise when she does it outside. And that's our Puppy Update for the day!


  1. Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata (Fr. Plantain étroit)

    1. susan, thanks! Now I recognize them... they're all over the place!

  2. Gorgeous photo. So pleased to read about how well the entire family is adjusting.

  3. So happy for you guys and your new canine kid!!!

  4. I think that's a Rice Krispies Magnifica plant. ;)

    1. judy, or, in Latin, Snappus Crackle Poppum. ;)

  5. I'm with Judith on this.
    I read your post three times, Walt. Did I miss the picture of Tasha? :(

    1. bettyann, there's one in the post before this one, and another in the post after this one! :)

  6. Love hearing about Tasha!

  7. Sounds as if you've got a winner! I love the photos Ken took of Tasha and Bertie. You can really see how tiny she is!

  8. Good that she's no trouble overnight.. She will probably be house-trained by the end of next week.

  9. Tasha is a very good baby! Seems to be training very quickly. Plus very cute!

  10. Well, that was supposed to be in response to Seine Judeet and Rice Krispies.


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