Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Sprouts from Brussels

Well, these are not really from Brussels. In French, they're called choux de Bruxelles. We ate these with our leftover Thanksgiving lunch on Monday. The turkey was tasty and so were all the trimmings. We froze a turkey last December and roasted it on Sunday. We still have a bunch of leftovers. Turkey sandwiches!

First the sprouts get steamed, then sauteed in butter. Yum!

We finished the cranberry sauce and the sprouts. And the squash. I forgot to take a second batch of stuffing out of the freezer, so that will hang out waiting for another time.


  1. Turkey sandwiches with mayo and cranberry sauce and lettuce... oh yes!

  2. We love sprouts! Apparently they now grow a variety that doesn't have the bitterness that some people find unpleasant, which is why, certainly in the UK, they are more popular.
    We had a "menu du jour" lunch at the "other restaurant" (not the Michelin starred place) in Le Petit-Pressigny a couple of years ago where the starter was just sprouts - a huge plateful of them. I was in sprout heaven!

  3. In the Dutch manner: Happy birthday to you as well, Walt! Did you cook a nice meal for the birthday boy? :)) Love the look of those sprouts - got to buy them again soon.

  4. I love Brussels sprouts, but they seem to be the Rodney Dangerfield of the vegetable world.
    It's gotten cold here, and your menu sounds very warming.


Tell me what you think!