Saturday, September 25, 2021

Monk see, monk do

This is a blast from the past. Back in September of 2002, my friend S. and I were visiting some wineries in the Sierra foothills around where she lives. I've forgotten the name of this place, and my photos don't have many clues in them. It may be Sierra Starr Vineyards in Grass Valley, but I'm not sure. At any rate, there was a little pond with a deck and this fellow holding an empty bottle as if to say, "Can I have another one?"

That faded label may say "Sierra Starr." Starr is the name of the family that owns and runs the vineyard and winery.

I finished cutting the grass on Friday! A good job, if I do say so myself. Ken decided he would go to the market this morning to get some mussels for lunch. This could be our last warm day for a while. We're expecting rain showers later in the day.


  1. I’d love the monk holding our one bottle. I imagine you’d need a lot of monks at your house. Glad you got all 160 acres mowed.

  2. I was going to say that your half acre property is a lot of grass to cut but Mitchell must know your property better than I. ;)

    1. BettyAnn, north 40 + east 40 + south 40 + west 40 = 160. QED, Quod Erat Demonstrandum or CQFD in French, Ce Qu’il Fallait Démontrer.

  3. Haaa! Your titles are half the fun of your blog :)

  4. I have a monk too, but he's holding a book rather.

  5. mitch, it's like a monastery here.

    bettyann, and you've been here!

    judy, I buy them from the discount bin at the supermarket.

    michael, I'll bet it's "Wine Making for Dummies."


Tell me what you think!