Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Arty choke

The morning sun lights up these artichokes in our garden. The plants themselves are beginning to dry out. I think it's early, probably because of the drought and heat.

Artichoke flowers in the Sunday morning sun.

Last night the loft was too hot for sleeping, so we slept downstairs, me on the couch and Ken in the guest room. Tasha was happy to sleep on the cool floor tile. Bert stayed out or in the utility room downstairs all night. At about 01h00, I got up and opened all the windows to let some of the cooling night air in.


  1. Spectacular and arty photo! Hope the heat breaks soon. I can’t imagine that without AC.

  2. 40c here today. Resting time! No harvesting today with the obvious risk. Loaded two corn lorries early for the maltsters by 9am. Watered our terrace surface to evaporate and cool the air at 7am. Persie our female doppelgänger of Bertie is out, and in early. And like the rest of us, snooze the heat away until evening. Stay cool! from Pats.

  3. Those are actually beautiful.

    It's a furnace hear, lately, as well.



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