Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Fall colors in the 'hood

From our deck and kitchen window we can see part of our neighbors' property across the road. They have several trees, shrubs, and other plants that put on a show in the autumn. I walked over yesterday and took photos of some of them.

The big tree on the right is one of two catalpas. I don't know what the bright yellow shrub is.

Our yard has fewer brightly colored autumn leaves, but there are some. The tilleul (linden) goes bright yellow, the prunus out back gives us some nice reds, and the leaves on the maple trees out front turn into a vivid orange later in the season. In between, we get to enjoy our neighbors' colors.


  1. No autumn displays here, so I always enjoy seeing yours.

  2. Nothing like the sugar maples of New England, eh? A favorite!

  3. Lovely colors.

  4. mitch, it's one of the things I enjoy about living here. We get a little color without arctic-feeling weather.

    judy, that's for sure!

    bettyann, :)


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