Thursday, June 20, 2024

A short walk

Tasha and I drove Ken to his ophthalmologist appointment yesterday afternoon. While he was with the doctor, we took a short walk down to the river (le Cher) just outside of central Montrichard. We continued a little along a bike/hike path to a small dam on the river, then turned around and headed back. I'm still trying to master the "selfie" without looking like a dork. Not squinting would help. I need more practice.

Yours truly at Montrichard-sur-Cher.

We've accepted an estimate on the roof work and put down some money. Now we wait. The contractor promised it wouldn't be for long, since we have a little "emergency." We're still having periodic rain showers and the roof is still leaking. We don't quite need buckets on the floor (yet), but there's visible water damage on the drywall below the leak.


  1. "I'm still trying to master the "selfie""
    Walt... look at the selfie lens on the camera and not at the picture of what you are taking.... you are at arms length and that slight down dip of your eyes to the screen, rather than up at the lens at the top are the problem, purely because of the proximity of the phone to your phace!

  2. So nice to see your face and the nice scenery. Yes, selfies are an art (or at least a skill). Hope things are improving for Ken.

  3. I am trying to master the selfie thing this year.

  4. Ah, such a fun photo! I'm glad that you and Tasha got to take a walk around new surroundings :)

  5. Hey, so nice to see you! Hope Ken is recovering well.

  6. This is a very nice photo!


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