Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thunder boomer

We woke up this morning to the muffled sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. It didn't stay muffled or distant for long. Radar showed the center of the storm right over us around 05h00. Rain started to pour down. The garbage collectors were right outside, sitting the squall out in their truck. The sky was lit by multiple lighting strikes as thunder boomed all around us. The storm lasted about thirty minutes as it rolled off toward the northeast. As they do.

The phone camera didn't know where to focus. Or, more likely, I don't know how to tell it where to focus.

The photo above is a little blurry, but it shows the kind of blackberry brambles that live among the hedges and woods around us, the kind I recently hacked through to clear a path behind our fence. This one is growing out of our compost pile. Look at those thorns! Like sharks' teeth, they are. There are bigger ones than these, I dare say.

I discovered yesterday morning that I've lost my prescription form. Now I have to go to the pharmacy and ask them to spot me some pills while I get a duplicate Rx from my doctor. They've done that before; we've been loyal customers for over twenty years. Still, what a pain. It's always something.


  1. I have an EyePhone.... to tell it where to focus, you touch the picture it is showing you at the point to focus on....
    they are terrible at choosing subjects [unless they are dogs, cats, people, etc] Try that!!

  2. Life can be thorny at times.

  3. tim, I will. I should also just google it, it is a google phone after all. ;)

    mitch, they really are agressive little buggers.

    evelyn, I can't tell you how many times I've come back in from doing yard work with bloody arms.

    mary, yup!


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