Thursday, June 13, 2024


The grass is (mostly) mowed once again. I haven't done the edge work, but the rest is done. It took me less than 90 minutes to do what was taking me three days to do. I'm getting into a grove with the mowing pattern.

Nothing to do with today's post. A vineyard parcel that has been mowed between the rows.

There is a (not so) small problem, however. The strip between our north side fence and the woods is closing in, as in filling in. All that rain we had in late winter and spring contributed to a growth spurt, and the dry days we did have were occupied with mowing the yard. I've been thinking about the strip. Mostly thinking about "one day I'll get back there." I waited too long.

So, today I will get started on it. That means taking out the hedge trimmer and the cords that supply it with power and hacking a path through the worst parts, then trimming back where the overgrowth is not so bad. The goal is to be able to take the walk-behind mower back there to keep it clear. We've been doing pretty well for a while now, but every year there's a little more "creep." This year's robust growth has thrown us for a loop. To add insult to injury, the overgrowth is filled with agressive blackberry brambles. Ouch! Long sleeves and gloves will be the uniform of the day.


  1. Ditto Walt, we have Loganberry threatening to take over on the North side of our home! Yesterday, cleared out overgrown mahonia by the south wall, roots like wire! Pats. 👩‍🌾

  2. I was pleased to read about the ease of mowing and sorry to read about the outside strip. Argh!

  3. Blackberry vines are nasty things to deal with. Bon courage!

  4. pats, bon courage !

    mitch, it's always something!

    evelyn, for sure!

    judy, you can say that again!

  5. but do you get any blackberries ?


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