Thursday, June 27, 2024

All is calm

The roof work is done now. The guys spent about two hours on Wednesday morning putting on the finishing touches and cleaning up. Now we wait for rain. Storms and rain are predicted as we move into the weekend. So, we shall see.

The garage window sills and the underside of the deck are looking pretty spiffy now!

Today's errands include a stop at the vet's office to pick up an order of dental chews and a supply of flea & tick medicine for Tasha. Then I'll likely make quick stops at the recycle center and the grocery store with a final stop at the filling station (do people say that any more?) for gas for the lawnmower. Then I'd like to cut the grass before the rain moves in.


  1. Haven’t heard the term “filling station” in a long time. I wonder, too, if it’s still used. The house looks great. Bring on the rain ... after you mow.

  2. Everything, including Tasha, looks spiffy. Filling station? Definitely last century.

  3. Oh, Walt, it looks great!
    I imagine that if I said, "filling station", to my students, they would look at me like.....huuunnhh? It sounds perfectly normal to me, though I never hear it anymore. I wonder if it was more of an east coast or new england thing? My father used to use that term.


Tell me what you think!