Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

Or, more accurately, the back end of Tasha, Tuesday. She got out ahead of me while I was stopped fiddling with the camera. So she's in the shot.

Tasha heads out for her morning walk through the vineyards. Lots of sniffing to do.

Have I mentioned that it got cold again? This morning I wore my winter coat and a scarf on our walk. Sheesh. Our outside thermometer read 11ºC (about 52ºF) at sunrise. That thermometer is up against the house, so I'm sure it's reading warmer than the vineyard temperature. Our weather web sites are saying we're between 7º and 9º outside.


  1. Perhaps your summer will be Spring-like.

  2. Brrrrr! I’m glad Tasha has that luxurious coat.

  3. Wearing your winter coat on June 11! I believe in global warming so what is this nonsense?!


Tell me what you think!