Saturday, June 01, 2024


It was forty-one years ago today that Ken and I moved into a Capitol Hill apartment in Washington, DC. We had been living in my small Arlington apartment for a short time before, but the Capitol Hill place was the first lease we signed together. Ronald Reagan was in his first term as president What's hard to believe is that we've lived half of those forty-one years in our house here in France. Tempust fugit.

The garden path. Who led whom?

I'm going to the market this morning to get a nice piece of fish for our anniversary lunch. As usual for this damp, wet spring, it's chilly (the central heating came on this morning) and wet outside. I didn't sleep all that well and noticed that it rained on and off through the night.


  1. That is incredible to consider that half the time has already been lived in France! We arrived in DC (Georgetown) that August and weren’t happy about the Raygun years. I’ll bet we passed each other on the streets!

  2. Decades of happiness, Congratulations!

  3. Happy times! I'm so glad that I stumbled upon you two after you moved to France, thanks to your blogs. What a surprise it was to see Ken's name at the bottom of a blog post I was using the pictures from (Chartres stained-glass windows) for lessons in my French classes.
    This path looks great! Is that pea gravel?

  4. A big yay for garden paths and those who lead us down them! Happy Anniversary to you and Ken!

  5. A fine day despite the weather! Enjoy your celebration.

  6. A fine day despite the weather! Enjoy your celebration. -- Chrissoup

  7. Your mower does a great job on the lawn. Good choice. Fish for lunch! Yippee! Happiest of days for you, two!

  8. Best Wishes on this anniversary!
    Linda from Alabama

  9. Splendid ! Good for you both!

  10. mitch, I'll bet we did! Didn't SG work at the LOC? My office was right across the street (when I worked on the hill).

    travel, thanks!

    judy, I'm not sure about the gravel, but it is pea-sized. ;)

    chris, thanks!

    mary, I may get to use the mower again this week. Predictions are for decent weather.

    linda, many thanks!

    michael, :)

  11. Yes, Jerry did work at LC. He was a consultant in early 1983 and then chief of a division for the next three years. I love imagining us passing on the streets in all our different cities.


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