Monday, June 10, 2024

New vines

This large vineyard parcel was dug up a couple of years ago then replanted last year. This year, the new vines look like they're doing very well. Stakes and guide wires were installed a few weeks ago. I don't think there will be any grapes this year, but maybe next year.

New vines (sauvignon blanc, I believe) out back.

There's another very large parcel just beyond this one that was dug up last year. Right now nothing is happening out there, except that the wild grasses have taken over. At some point, I hope, the grower will start plowing the soil and otherwise preparing the parcel to receive new vines, maybe by next spring.


  1. The circle of life. So nice to see.

  2. mitch, yes it is! Knowing that one day soon, there will be grapes.


Tell me what you think!