Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The rest of the week

Ken's cataract surgery went fine yesterday. Stress levels have dropped considerably. While Ken was at the clinic (he was provided a taxi for the round trip, so I didn't need to drive him up and back), I was a busy bee. I did a load of laundry, then I washed the kitchen and guest room windows, inside and out, washed the curtains and re-hung them. Later in the morning I worked on cleaning out the overgrown millepertuis (St. John's wort) under our mailbox so the mail deliverer (and us, too) has better access to the box. I ate some leftovers for lunch and waited for Ken to get back.

Grape vines and woods.

So, what next? This morning I'm planning a trip to the supermarket. After that I want to finish the clean-up under the mailbox. This afternoon I plan to cut the grass again (with the new riding mower, of course. Wheeee!). There are more windows to be cleaned, but I'm not sure I'll get to them today. We're expecting rain all day on Friday, so I want to get the grass done before that. And let's not forget lunch! Retirement is a full-time job.


  1. Glad Ken’s surgery went well. Wishing him an easy recovery. The hardest part for me was behaving myself and not doing more than I should.

  2. Yeah, retirement is definitely a full-time job! Doing that too!

  3. Wow, you certainly do keep yourself busy!

  4. You were very productive!

  5. The ‘old heads’ in the railroad break room would always remind the younger guys, that there would be no days off in retirement.


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