Monday, June 24, 2024

Will he or won't he?

This morning we're expecting the roofing contractor to start work. We have no confirmation of this. We think that's the way we left it last week. So, we shall see. I moved the flower pots out of the kitchen window boxes yesterday. They were just below where the work will be done. One of us will take the car out of the driveway and park it on the road in case we need it while the contractor is working. Then we just wait.

Another view of the dam, lock, and old mill in Montrichard.

Remember those baby grapes I posted about a while back? Well, now I see that they were just the flower buds getting ready to open. They've been open for a while now and grapes are beginning to form. These next few days of sunny and warm (yay!) weather should make them happy.


  1. Montrichard looks beautiful. So nice of the poppies to add some color to your photo. Hope all goes well with the roofers today.

  2. Hope the roofers are able to solve the problem. What is that picture/sign indicating?

  3. Yes, I'm curious about the sign, too. It looks like it is saying that access is not allowed... but also that wearing a helmet is required (but, why, if you can't even access?), then the image looks like they're telling us that they are filming Sea Hunt here ;) Ha! Anyway... seriously... what does it all mean?

  4. I read on the Internet that much of the Northern Hemisphere is extremely hot this summer. I guess that doesn't include France.

  5. mitch, little patches of poppies have "popped" up all over this year.

    bettyann, good question! I don't really know...

    judy, a mystery to me. What's it all about, Alfie?

    diane, left out again! lol


Tell me what you think!