Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dam it

This is one of many small dams on the Cher River. It's just down stream from central Montrichard. Tasha and I walked by last week while Ken was at a doctor appointment. The building is, I believe, an old mill that used the force of the channeled river for power, very similar to the old mill dam at Saint Aignan up river. And, like at St.-Aignan, there is a lock to allow water craft through.

I believe it's called le Moulin des Îles de la Motte. At least that's what is says on the map. The lock is in the foreground.

The sun is shining this morning. We're having a very welcome break in the rain. Flooding has been a problem all over the country, along with crop and property damaging hail (none here, thankfully). We're keeping our fingers crossed that our roof work can get done before the rain comes back.


  1. A beautiful place under dramatic skies. The rains have been awful in so many areas.

  2. Just lovely. I'm hoping the roofer will have some dry weather to do his work.

  3. I missed yesterday's apple post... those do look like yummy apples. Woo hoo! Glad you have the riding mower :)

  4. Beautiful photo!

  5. Mary in Oregon24 June, 2024 01:46

    One nice thing about rainy weather ... we will really appreciate it when the sun comes out again (and those gorgeous clouds!).


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