Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday again

The rain that was predicted for Friday turned out to be less than expected. In fact, most of the afternoon was kind of sunny. And very blustery. We're expecting more of the same today. But not much warmer.

Our garden plot might have looked like this if it had been tilled. Now it's just a patch of weeds.

The landscape contractor who was supposed to come till up our vegetable garden plot has never showed up. I've emailed him a couple of times. He answered once, but has since gone silent. Now we're in the middle of June with no garden. Bother.


  1. What a shame about the garden after you smartly decided how much easier it is to have someone else do the tilling.

  2. Guess it's time to let your plot go fallow...

  3. June = gardening back when I lived in Michigan. you must be itching to have some.

  4. mitch, we're stuck now. We got a new, smaller tiller when the old one gave up the ghost. It's too under-powered to do the first tilling of the season.

    evelyn, that's a good way to look at it!

    judy, yup.

    michael, we've had a garden every year for the last twenty. Results always vary, there are good years and bad. But we've always gotten something out of the garden.


Tell me what you think!