Saturday, June 08, 2024

Sunrise walk

Clouds began to move in from the southwest just as the sun rose last Wednesday morning. That's not at all unusual, but on this day I had the camera with me. The light kept changing as the clouds moved across the sky and it changed quickly, leaving little time to frame a photo and adjust the camera settings.

Looking toward the southwest, just outside our garden gate.

I'm planning a market trip this morning. We want to eat fish again. This time I'll look for lieu noir (pollock in the US, coley in Britain, according to Wikipedia). And I'll get some more goat cheese and some strawberries. I've also got a carload of recycling to get rid of.


  1. The light is beautiful. I would have enjoyed that walk and seeing it change.

  2. I always love taking photos of clouds. They mesmerize me.

  3. Beautiful morning sunrise without the rain!

  4. Sounds like a productive day.

  5. mitch, sometimes it's very dramatic, but on this day is was more laid back.

    michael, :)

    judy, mostly, yes. :)

    evelyn, we're kind of drying out, but I'll bet it rains again soon.

    bettyann, for me, yes!


Tell me what you think!