Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Threatening skies

And they did follow through with the threat. This image, from the guest room window, was taken yesterday morning. By nightfall, it was raining again, and it seems to have rained steadily through the night. Early this morning there was some distant thunder, but nothing like yesterday morning. It's still raining as I type this (07h15).

This sky was trailing the thunderstorm we had on Tuesday morning.

The forecast for the week is more rain every day, but with quantities diminishing. We are having a few roof problems (again!) and we had a guy in to give us an estimate on repairs. The worst problem has to do with the roof valleys on either side of the dormer window in the loft, the same problem we've been having off and on for twenty years. They probably need to be reconstructed. Ka-ching!


  1. Walt, just remember that they weren't built to take what we've had this winter.... weather was pretty clement when your house was constructed!!

  2. What a spectacular sky! Argh. Roof problems. We installed a new roof (every single bit of it) in Connecticut. Had leaks after a violent rain. Installed new windows. Had leaks. Redid flashing. And then a thunderstorm hit. Sideways. “Everybody has leaks,” we were told. Exhausting.

  3. Such a nice photo of when the storm has left. Fingers crossed for your roof fix.

  4. Oh, darn! About the rain and the leaks.

  5. Leaks {UGH). Thinking how lucky I'm not a tourist in France during this June...

  6. tim, and time does take its toll...

    mitch, yikes! That sounds like a nightmare.

    evelyn, thanks!

    judy, I use stronger language. lol

    mary, it's certainly been a damp one.


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