Friday, May 31, 2024

The oregano patch

You know the story. I planted oregano in the vegetable garden years ago. The plants escaped and began coming up in the lawn. There they thrived and, for a good number of years, I've been harvesting and drying oregano for cooking.

Clumps of oregano in the lawn. They didn't like being in the garden plot just behind.

The oregano has enjoyed our wet spring this year and there's plenty to harvest. It takes about a day in the dehydrator to dry the cut stems, then I have to do the slow task of separating the leaves from the stems and picking out grass and other non-oregano plants. After that, the oregano goes into jars or zip-top bags and stored in the pantry until it's needed in the kitchen. Our oregano is fragrant and tasty when it's dried. Fresh, not so much.


  1. Hey, that is a pretty wildflower you're showing up there in the sidebar :)

  2. mitch, I find that the stuff in bottles doesn't have much flavor.

    judy, :) They grow here and there out among the grape vines.

  3. I remember my herb garden these things grew faster than the weeds.


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