Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Days off

Two holidays in a row, this week. A lot of people will be on the road, according to those who monitor such things. We'll stay close to home. As retirees, days off don't really impact us. Except for more people in the neighborhood and stores being crowded (when they're open) or closed altogether, there's not much to fret about.

More rocks at Joshua Tree. Digitized color slide, September 1997.

I did get the last of the tax data pulled together yesterday. Now it's just a matter of filling out the form. The weather people are calling for a dry week and warming temperatures. Yay! I hope they're right. If the weather does indeed improve, I'll have to mess around with the lawn mower. It seems that the self-propelling mechanism is out of whack (as in not working). The last time I cut the grass, it was a struggle to push the mower around. I'm sure there's a problem with the drive belt (this has happened before), so I've got to see if I can fix it myself or what. We're starting to think about new mowers, and we're not excluding the possibility of getting the riding variety. I'm not gettin' any younger.


  1. I’d go for the riding mower. Or you could try Joshua Tree landscaping.

  2. A riding mower sounds like a nice idea!

  3. Get the riding mower, no sense in waiting years for another walk behind to die.

  4. mitch, I wouldn't mind a desert landscape, but the heat would get to me.

    evelyn, doesn't it! But I think we're going to put it off for now. They're pretty costly.

    bettyann, I do like the exercise...


Tell me what you think!