Thursday, May 02, 2024

Ready to grow

Some warmer weather would really help these grape vines to take off. But they're not doing badly. The pliage is nearly done; I see just a few rows yet to be done out there.

The vineyards are turning green.

I have until the end of the month to get the French tax return done. I've started, but haven't got very far, yet. Yesterday was rainy most of the day, but I didn't use the time indoors for taxes. Oh well. It'll get done one of these days. I'm planning to head over to the market in Montrichard on Friday morning to get some plants for the vegetable garden. Tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers are on my list. On the way home, I want to stop at local wine co-op. We're running low.


  1. SG is currently searching for a couple of tax documents. I hear about it every day... and this is with having TWO accountants, one here and one in California.

  2. Hoping your trip to Montrichard is enjoyable, tomorrow :)


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