Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Arty chokes

This artichoke plant volunteered last year, growing up from a seed that fell in the garden plot. The seed came from the cut flower heads that I dumped on the garden plot before disposing of them last fall. I think there may have been one or two flower heads on the plant last year. This year, there's this:

A rogue artichoke plant in the vegetable garden plot.

These aren't really edible. There's not much on them to eat and they're not worth the effort to get to it. But the plants are pretty and the flowers are striking, so I like keeping them around.


  1. Artichokes are surprisingly pretty. Do you think this will ever produce good-eating veg?

  2. I have never seen an artichoke growing!

  3. Mary in Oregon29 May, 2024 19:05

    Your wildflower photo is Borage! I searched images of blooming borage and I was right! I remembered that fuzziness and that brilliant blue (one of my favorite colors!).

  4. I love these artichokes!

  5. mitch, I doubt it, but one never knows!

    michael, we saw them frequently in northern California. Here in France, they mostly grow on the Brittany coast.

    judy, yup!

    mary, cool!

    bettyann, :)


Tell me what you think!