Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tile traction

There are a couple of places out in the vineyards that get very muddy in wet weather. Tractors are heavy. They sink in the mud and make deep ruts between the vine rows. In an effort to mitigate that, this grower spreads broken tiles over the emerging ruts. With each pass, the tiles break a little more and lessen the impact of the heavy tractors. At least, that's the theory.

Old broken tiles in the vineyard.

Today is a busy day. Tasha's groomer is coming at nine this morning. I have to plug in our extension cords so her mobile grooming RV has power. The RV carries its own water, but she needs electricity. And she has to park out back because the RV won't fit in our driveway. Fortunately, I have a couple of very long extension cords that do the trick. Then I've got to get a shower and go to the bank for some cash to pay her (should have done that yesterday, duh). I've also got some mowing to do in the spaces the new rider can't reach -- that'll depend on the weather. Let's get to it!


  1. I’m so glad you’re taking a shower today! I wonder what archaeologists will make of those tile shards in centuries to come.

  2. We want pictures of the pretty girl!


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