Thursday, May 16, 2024


Clouds. They only block the sun. So says the song. They rain and snow on everyone. Well, we haven't seen snow in quite a while, but we've had our share of rain. These clouds let some sun through and gave us a pretty show over the last weekend. Since then, mostly overcast and rain. I did get the north forty cut yesterday before the rain came.

The rising sun paints the clouds with shades of yellow and gold.

The French tax returns are done! With two weeks to spare. Phew. Today I'm venturing over to a nearby town to buy some flowers for the kitchen window boxes. We're still waiting for the weather to allow our landscaping guy to till up the vegetable plot. Meanwhile, in the greenhouse, some of the tomato plants are blossoming. Yikes!


  1. That is a spectacular shot! J. M. W. Turner has (had) nothing on you.

  2. It DOES look like a Turner! Ha!
    Pilgrims....gimme a break LOL

  3. Oh, and congrats on getting those taxes done!

  4. Love this sunrise- one of your best shots!

  5. mitch, aw shucks. ;)

    judy, gotta love a good pilgrim joke!

    evelyn, thanks! :)

  6. Yes! Fabulous shot of your sunrise!


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